Update 1.0.19 “The Grand Jubilee”

My Lord,

It’s your old pal Kella here, making my way through the blizzards of Belleron to bring you the latest news! Version 1.0.19 “The Grand Jubilee” will be released on (UTC 2023/09/21 Make sure you go grab it as soon as you can! As always, I noted down all the new content myself. Looks like it’s gonna be a real barnstormer! Don’t miss your chance to make a fortuneโ€ฆ I mean, to save the world!

1. Colorful Garden Party Holiday Event

8 days of eventsโ€”join in the fun and celebrate with the children of the Abbey!

  1. Lucky Ball Machine: Join the event to earn Lucky Coins and gain rewards from the Lucky Ball Machine!
  2. Great Heights: Survive perilous trials and ascend to the peak to win a new City Theme!
  3. Everything Must Go!: An array of discounts, surprises, and exceptional bargains awaits you!
  4. Vale Society Quiz: Put your knowledge to the test and win rewards prepared by Velyn!
  5. Celestial Battlegrounds: Push your limits and showcase your might! Defeat enemies as quickly as you can.
  6. Bounty Hunt: Fight bravely to reclaim the Merchants’ Guild’s lost goods! *For event times, check the Event Calendar.

2. Exciting Season Stories

  1. The Dwarven civil war has ended, but peace remains out of reach. A dark plot is about to be uncovered. Season Stories Chapter 3 “The Mountains My Witness” and Chapter 4 “The Door to Tomorrow” will soon be available. See what destiny has in store for the land of Belleron in this new era!
  2. As Season 2 “The Icebound Oath” draws to a close, the event “Covenantal Offerings” will begin once the Augurstone progresses to a certain point. Players in Season 2 can contribute resources to rebuild the Gate of Promises, opening the door to the next Season. The fate of the World Tree is in your hands!

3. An Even Richer Combat Experience

  1. Improved the combat behavior of Rallied Armies. When Rallied Armies are intercepted or attacked while marching, they will attack enemies within range, but will not pursue them.
  2. Improved the appearance of certain unit types. Legions of different levels are now clearly distinguishable. Improved unit types include: Vestals l, II, V; Swordsmen l, II, V; Knights II, V; Ballistas l, II, IV, V; Celestials IV, V.
  3. Updated Beast spawn zones: After Level 25 Beasts are unlocked, they will appear in all spawn zones on the world map.
  4. Changed the Cease Fire effect in the early Season event “The Great Revival”. The time period in which players cannot attack other players’ Legions and buildings has been increased. Also, Legions cannot intercept other Legions while Cease Fire is active.

4. A Smoother Route to Prosperity

Since War Pets were added to the game, we’ve received plenty of passionate and proactive feedback from players. In response, we’ve made a number of improvements to the system:

  1. Improved War Pet regeneration: War Pets are now guaranteed to be either Epic or Legendary after a certain number of regenerations. This number will be displayed on the regeneration page. A popup will appear to confirm your choice when you choose to regenerate after receiving an Epic or Legendary War Pet, so you can avoid accidentally losing them.
  2. Improved Merits Store: A new Regeneration Potion item will be added to the Merits Store every day, and a new War Pet Skill Card will be added every week. The daily and weekly Merits Store will offer more valuable items and rarer War Pet Skill Cards as the Augurstone progresses.
  3. Updated Crystal Store: The items on sale at the Crystal Store have been updated. All items apart from Legendary Hero Tokens have been changed into large quantities of valuable 3-Star War Pet Skill Cards.
  4. Improved icons for War Pet Talent Skills
  5. Improved Scout reports: Scout reports now show the Artifacts and War Pets equipped by Heroes in enemy Legions.
  6. Improved Garrison Hero information: War Pets equipped by Garrison Heroes are now shown on the garrison screen.
  7. Improved War Pets information: Sources of Regeneration Potions are now shown on the regeneration screen. Animation effects are now displayed on the Skill screen when your War Pet learns a new Skill. The War Pet training screen now shows your War Pet’s calculated attributes. The War Pet Enclosure Expansion screen now shows the items you currently have and how many you require.

5. More Enjoyable Events

  1. Adjusted Dragon Trail Race rankings and rewards: Only players who have completed Event Quests will be displayed in the rankings and receive rewards.
  2. New Custom Mode for Lucky Spin and Strongest Lord events: You can now choose the Hero you want as the reward for these events. This mode is only enabled at the end of the Season; see event details for opening times.
  3. Optimized Exploration Experience: Now, the expedition of Scout between Regions is no longer restricted by Augurstone progress but is influenced by Mist Dispelling progress. When the Mist Dispelling progress in the Current Region where the Lord resides reaches 100%, it will allow Scouts to travel to adjacent Regions within the same level Pass. Once the Mist Dispelling progress in all adjacent Regions reaches 100%, exploration of further Regions will continue to be available. When the Mist Dispelling progress in all Regions within the same level Pass reaches 100%, it will unlock exploration of Regions within the next level Pass, and so on. Meanwhile, explorable Regions on the world map will be displayed in a distinct color.

6. Other Improvements

  1. Improved recommendations for deploying gathering Legions: You can now choose to prioritize Transport units (which will recommend Transport units) or prioritize your Load Capacity (which will recommend a Legion with the highest possible Load Capacity).
  2. Community integration: You can now directly enter community pages via the Notice Board in your City. New messages from community pages will also be displayed on your Notice Board.
  3. Optimized Exploration Experience: Now, the expedition of Scout between Regions is no longer restricted by Augurstone progress but is influenced by Mist Dispelling progress. When the Mist Dispelling progress in the Current Region where the Lord resides reaches 100%, it will allow Scouts to travel to adjacent Regions within the same level Pass. Once the Mist Dispelling progress in all adjacent Regions reaches 100%, exploration of further Regions will continue to be available. When the Mist Dispelling progress in all Regions within the same level Pass reaches 100%, it will unlock exploration of Regions within the next level Pass, and so on. Meanwhile, explorable Regions on the world map will be displayed in a distinct color.

7. PC Improvements

  1. Added a sound toggle for the opening animation. 2) Improved chat: You can now right click on a chat message to copy or report it, as well as clicking and holding with the left mouse button.
  2. Improved mail: You can now write new messages in fullscreen. An auto-save feature has also been added. Phew, that was a lot to handle! Oh, and if you got any suggestions, I can always pass ’em on to the Merchants’ Guild forya!
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